This is a pack of 60 UIQ 3 games and all of them have been tested on P1i. All games are symbian, there are no java games. The list of games is in the screenshot. I created this games pack to make it easy for new users to download games. Instead of searching the forum and downloading the games one-by-one they can now dowload most of them with one click. Since I didn't want this pack to be larger than 100MB I put in a .txt file with links to other great UIQ3 games (all links lead to ipmart forum). There are approximately 60 games in this pack. Screenshots of all games are also included in the archive.Also there is a tutorial on how to hack your phone and install the sis installer mod so that you can install unsigned games and apps.

There are also instructions on how to find certain emulators like ScummVM, vbagx etc.

Please note: All games are in English language, and all of them come with install instructions (acually, there are only a few games that need instructions) and screenshots. And all of them have been tested on P1i but they should also work on all other UIQ3 phones (P990, W950, W960, G700, G900 etc.) or at least most of them will work

ALSO NOTICE that you can download each game seporately when downloading via a torrent

Torrent link:


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